quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2015

ArtPrize - 2015

Artistas acima de 18 anos, de todo o mundo e com trabalhos em qualquer linguagem, podem participar do ArtPrize, a maior competição de arte do mundo. A premiação, que totaliza US$ 500 mil, é definida por meio de voto popular e de um júri de especialistas. As inscrições vão de 20/04/15 a 04/06/15. As taxas de inscrição são US$ 50 (artistas) e US$ 100 (grupos).

Every year, ArtPrize distributes a half a million dollars cash prizes, making the event the world’s largest art competition. See previous ArtPrize award winners.

Public Vote
At ArtPrize, hundreds of thousands of spectators take an active role as judge and critic, with an unprecedented top prize decided by public vote. Using mobile devices and the Internet, five Public Vote winners are chosen in two rounds of voting.
• Public Vote Grand Prize: $200,000
• 2-D Public Vote Award: $12,500
• 3-D Public Vote Award: $12,500
• Time-based Public Vote Award: $12,500
• Installation Public Vote Award: $12,500

Juried Awards
In contrast to the Public Vote, the Juried Awards are decided by a group of internationally acclaimed art experts. ArtPrize presents five Juried Awards. The Juried Grand Prize is selected by a committee of three, while the four Category awards are each chosen by a single juror with the help of local professionals.
• Juried Grand Prize: $200,000
• 2-D Juried Award: $12,500
• 3-D Juried Award: $12,500
• Time-based Juried Award: $12,500
• Installation Juried Award: $12,500

Mais informações:
Início das inscrições
20 de Abril de 2015

Término das inscrições
04 de Junho de 2015

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